


Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

At Huge, we focus on acquiring either partial or full stakes in promising profitable businesses. Our aim is to identify and invest in companies that demonstrate significant growth potential and operational excellence.

Selling your business can be a daunting task – lengthy negotiations, legal hurdles, and often a bittersweet end. We've been there. That's why we started Huge, aiming to be the ideal buyer: straightforward, fair, and founder-friendly.

Our Good Business Criteria

Our Good Business Criteria

Our Good Business Criteria



Consistently profitable ventures.

Market Position

Market Position

Top players in their niches.



Above-average growth.

What We’re Looking For

What We’re Looking For

  1. Profitable - Non negotiable

  2. US$1-10M Revenue

  3. At least 24 months of operational history

Our Acquisition Philosophy

  1. Partial or Full Buyouts: Tailored investment strategies, offering both partial and full acquisitions.

  2. Focused on Growth: Identifying businesses with strong growth trajectories and potential for scalability.

  3. Efficient and Respectful Process: Ensuring a smooth, transparent, and respectful acquisition process.

Let's Connect

Let's Connect

Let's Connect

If your SaaS business meets our criteria and you are considering a sale or growth partner, we invite you to reach out. Connect with us to explore the potential of a mutually beneficial arrangement.

If your SaaS business meets our criteria and you are considering a sale or growth partner, we invite you to reach out. Connect with us to explore the potential of a mutually beneficial arrangement.

2023 Huge. All rights reserved